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CCTV Video Baluns

Chat TranscriptActive CCTV video baluns can be used to run video cable for security cameras distances of up to 12,000 feet, This transcript covers a chant with a customer explaining this.


Customer: Hello, is there a solution to run video cables the reach a security camera more than 1000 feet from the DVR?

Sales: Hi Customer, you can run video cable for up to 9,000 to 12,000 using active CCTV video baluns. on that page you will see active video balun receivers and transceivers. Those enable you to run video wire more than 1000 feet using Cat 2, 3, 4, 5e, 6; 12~24 AWG or Heavier wire.

Customer: I see, so I use coax a short range between the DVR and the balun (maybe one meter), and from there I go with UTP that is cheaper. so the balums can be colocated with the DVR.

Sales: That is correct.

Sales: You will need one video balun receiver and one transceiver for each camera. The receiver goes on the DVR side and the transceiver goes on the camera side of the cable run.

Customer: Thank You for your help.